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New Day Foundation for Families Partners with ClickBid to Support Michigan Families

Managing fundraising events can be challenging — we get that. There are so many things to keep track of. Any setback can feel like it could jeopardize the whole event. 

At ClickBid, we’re dedicated to helping nonprofits overcome their challenges. Since 2002, it’s been our focus to help nonprofits raise awareness, strengthen donor relationships, and enable year-round giving opportunities to raise more money. 

How does ClickBid enable nonprofits to make it to the million-dollar milestones? 

Introducing Success Stories – stories from nonprofits and charities on how they’re managing their auctions, reaching more people, and raising more money. 

Here’s one of their stories. 

New Day Foundation for Families

According to research, 37% of cancer patients cut family grocery expenses as a result of overwhelming medical expenses. New Day exists to bridge the financial gap for cancer patients by providing financial and emotional resources to improve the quality of life and treatment outcomes of patients in Michigan.

Compassion and understanding are foundational to its mission, and they believe every cancer patient in every community should be treated with dignity and kindness. New Day works with over 120  hospitals across the state of Michigan to reach more patients before they hit critical financial breaking points caused by financial toxicity, a harmful side effect that creates significant barriers to treatment and healing. 

“Cancer patients need more than just medicine. At the end of the day, if you can’t pay your bills, keep your fridge full, or your house lights on, what good does that do for your healing process? Our organization steps in to bridge that financial gap for patients, supporting them to continue to live their lives and reduce added stress so they can focus on their health and getting better,” said Wendy Christie, Marketing Director

Families Come First 

Cancer is systemic and pervasive, reaching into every aspect of life, physical, financial, emotional, and relational. The New Day Foundation works day in and day out to provide the non-medical support needed to give every Michigan family a fighting chance. 

In 2023 alone, the organization supported 748 families across Michigan by helping with financial assistance that included mortgage payments, transportation costs, grocery support, utility, and electrical bills, as well as emotional support from providing a listening ear to matching patients with licensed therapists.

Every family touched by New Day has an immediate family member in active treatment for a cancer diagnosis and demonstrates financial hardship due to the diagnosis. New Day helps with critical everyday living expenses to bring relief and allow for proper healing. 

The nonprofit also partners with other cancer-related and complementary organizations that offer a wide variety of support and assistance. This allows every family touched by the organization to get the proper care and help needed to process their diagnosis and take care of their surrounding family.

Showstopping Events

New Day Foundation for Families hosts several events annually to support its mission, but one of its standout occasions is its annual Celebrity Lip Sync Battle. This event brings together 450+ supporters and eight local TV, radio, and sports personalities to lip-sync their favorite songs.  A panel of local celebrity judges critique the performances and New Day supporters vote for the winners. This unique event is highly anticipated and each year continues to grow and bring in new supporters. 

While the organization coordinates hundreds of attendees to their event, some of their supporters are immuno-compromised, leaving them unable to attend the event but are able to participate virtually. The organization chooses to livestream its event using ClickBid’s EventStream feature to all at-home supporters. 

“A lot of our attendees are immuno-compromised, and we don’t want them in a room with 450 other people. But since we livestream the event, they are still able to participate safely and contribute to our mission to help other families,” said Lisa Garr, Director of Operations.

Utilizing ClickBid’s EventStream live-streaming feature, New Day can offer their at-home supporters the opportunity to continue to support their mission and join in on the event’s fun, from the comfort of their own homes.

The nonprofit also utilizes ClickBid’s silent auction software, ticketing, and messaging capabilities to further support its events. Since partnering with ClickBid back in 2019, New Day has grown to utilize ClickBid’s software for multiple events throughout the year, including its annual Golf Classic

“ClickBid has become a member of our team and although we have to refresh ourselves each year, the bite-sized training videos are always informative and super useful. Overall, the platform is very user-friendly and easy to manage. ClickBid has been a great partner for us,” said Garr.

Changing Lives, One Family at a Time

New Day’s partnership with ClickBid has enabled the organization to reach and support more Michigan families affected by cancer. By live-streaming their event to reach more supporters and utilizing other needed features, New Day can ensure every supporter regardless of their health status, can participate and contribute to its mission. This partnership highlights the impact implementing technology can have in advancing nonprofit goals, bridging financial gaps, and creating an engaging donor experience. 

For more information about New Day Foundation for Families, please visit their website. 

For more information on how your charity can engage more donors with ClickBid’s Platform, click here.


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