8.0.0603 released

Issues addressed: 1. When adding a silent item on manage items, you can once again specify a starting bid. 2. The live stream will now launch with sound ON, BUT, you have to click the PLAY icon to start the stream. 3. As a live auction proceeds from one item to the next, if the […]

7.6.0528 released

Issues addressed: 1. If a Text to Give donation was made and payment submitted, if the donor went back to their text messages and clicked the link again, it would update the status of the donation to ‘Incomplete’ even though the donation was already paid.

7.6.0515 released

Enhancements: 1. A ‘house’ icon was added to the bidding site menu bar when logged in. Clicking this button will take you to the landing page for the keyword where the bidder is logged in. In place of the login box on the landing page, there will be a ‘Continue Bidding’ button to get you […]

7.6.0511 released

Issues addressed: 1. Item categories are now being displayed on the archives auction sales page. 2. When logged in to the bidding site, clicking multiple times on the item ‘donate’ button (not the green menu bar donate button) is once again displaying the description/exceptions correctly. 3. The public leaderboard is now displaying by category correctly. […]

7.6.0508 released

Issues addressed: 1. Auction Preview is once again correctly showing “Current Bid” when an item has bids and “Starting Bid” when the item does not have bids.

7.6.0507 released

Enhancements: 1. Landing Page Auction Preview now loading larger numbers of items in sections instead of all at once. 2. Manage Donations page has been upgraded to allow the email address to be edited (autosave when you leave the field), tags added for the remove, resend, re-email, receipt and refund functions, and the show/hide to […]

7.6.0501 released

Enhancements: 1. View ticket sales now shows a column for cc fee. This column is included when downloading the CSV. We also added the ‘show/hide’ button to this page so you can choose which columns you see or don’t see on the page. 2. Added a ‘recaptcha’ box to the ‘Register today’ page where bidders […]

7.6.0429 released

Issues addressed: 1. The display of archived ticket sales is once again showing records properly.

7.6.0416 released

Enhancements: 1. “EventStream” is a new menu option on the Event Central menu. This page allows you to configure your EventStream content including whether to superimpose a Youtube video and whether to list participant names. Default colors for different system events are provided but can be configured as desired. The page can be launched in […]

7.6.0408 released

Enhancements 1. Manage Guests – when converting guests to bidders, meal selection and meal notes will now be updated in the bidder notes field. These fields are displayed on the bidder lookup search results page in Butler. This is a one time update during the creation of the bidder. If the selection or notes are […]